try! Swift is an immersive community gathering about Swift Language Best Practices, Application Development in Swift, Server-Side Swift, Open Source Swift, and the Swift Community. It will take place in Tokyo with talks from community experts on March 2nd and 3rd, and a Swift hackathon on March 4th.
All talks will be simultaneously translated from either Japanese to English or English to Japanese.

We’ve sold out of tickets for the latest batch but will be releasing more shortly.

Sign up for an invite!

We are committed to providing a safe space for all of our attendees, speakers, and volunteers. Our Code of Conduct can be read in full on GitHub here.

Meet The Speakers

Felix Krause

Agnes Vasarhelyi

Soroush Khanlou

Nate Cook

Kyle Fuller

Meghan Kane

Sommer Panage

Jon Reid

Alexis Gallagher

Brandon Williams

Mo Kudeki

Eric Wing

Rikke Møller Koblauch

Laura Ragone

Krzysztof Siejkowski

Yusuke Ito

Kazuaki Matsuo

Orta Therox

Christopher Rogers

Marius Rackwitz

Derek Lee

Kateryna Gridina


March 2nd

8:30 - Registration & Breakfast

9:45 - Opening Remarks

10:00 - Everything a Swift Developer Wanted to Know about Machine Learning But Was Afraid To Ask

10:20 - Swift on Android

11:05 - Break

11:40 - Swift's Pointy Bits

12:05 - 3D Touch: Bring your apps to a new dimension

12:30 - Pixels, process and passion

13:00 - Lunch

14:30 - Everyday Reactive

14:55 - ⚡️🎤 The Safety of Unsafe Swift

15:05 - Tasting tests at Cookpad

15:25 - ⚡️🎤 Isolating your Data Layer

15:35 - Writing your UI Swiftly

16:00 - Break

16:30 - Building a Swift Web API and Application Together

16:50 - ⚡️🎤 Swift Chatbots for Fun and Profit

17:05 - Craft Collaborative Apps with Realm

17:30 - Building your own tools

18:00 - ⚡️🎤 Providing Better Feedback in Real-time Object Detection Apps

18:10 - ⚡️🎤 How to be a UX Engineer

March 3rd

9:00 - Breakfast

9:45 - Opening Remarks

10:00 - The Two Sides of Writing Testable Code

10:20 - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sequence and Collection

11:00 - Break

11:30 - Swift Outside the Box

11:50 - ⚡️🎤 VR Innovation

12:05 - Document Indexing and App Search in iOS

12:30 - Startup Swift

13:00 - Lunch

14:30 - A Neatly Typed Message

14:50 - ⚡️🎤 App Transport Security for Busy Devs

15:05 - Color Me Surprised!: Architecting a Robust Color System with Swift

15:25 - ⚡️🎤 Server-Side Swift Live Coding

15:35 - Making Mock Objects More Useful

16:00 - Break

16:30 - Minimizing Decision Fatigue to Improve Team Productivity

16:50 - ⚡️🎤 Client-Side Deep Learning

17:05 - Lessons in Swift Error Handling and Resilience

17:30 - Scaling open source communities

18:00 - ⚡️🎤 👾 & ⌚

18:10 - ⚡️🎤 Why We Climb

18:30 - Closing / Announcements

19:00 - Party 🎉

March 4th

9:00 - Breakfast

9:30 - Opening Remarks

9:45 - Ideathon / Group Formation

10:30 - API Workshops

11:00 - Hackathon coding begins

13:00 - Lunch

14:00 - Hackathon coding continues

18:00 - Hackathon coding ends

18:30 - Presentations

20:00 - Winner Announcements

The Lighting Talk CfP for attendees is officially closed. Selected presenters have been notified and confirmed.

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We noticed that you are running ad blocking software. While we cannot hack into your computer and prevent you from doing so, we also cannot run our event without the support of our sponsors.

Please consider turning off your ad block software for this website. Thanks.

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Student Sponsors

Event Partners

Interested in sponsoring or want more information? Send us an email at [email protected].

Meet The Organizers

Natasha Murashev

Katsumi Kishikawa

Kazunobu Tasaka

Satoshi Hachiya

Himi Sato

Shingo Sato

Matt Gillingham

Nino Sakuma

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We noticed that you are running ad blocking software. While we cannot hack into your computer and prevent you from doing so, we also cannot run our event without the support of our sponsors.

Please consider turning off your ad block software for this website. Thanks.

Conference Venue (March 2nd and 3rd)

Hackathon Venue (March 4th)





「ひとりひとりのライフイベントの積み重ねに寄り添い、人生の"しあわせの総量"が増えている世界」の実現を目指しています。 このために、テクノロジーによる社会課題の解決に取り組むのが我々の使命です。






カサレアルは法人向けのプログラミング研修を提供しており、Swiftに限らず、AngularReactSpring Frameworkなど様々なコースを取り揃えております。ブースでは、カリキュラムの紹介をしておりますので、ぜひお立ち寄りください。






フィードバックツール Balto(バルト)アプリ開発現場で起こる煩雑なフィードバック作業を解決する、フィードバックツール。ワンアクションでかんたんにスクリーンショット・ムービーを添付してフィードバックが送れる開発者応援ツールです。


